April 27, 2010

Aaron's Girls Generation World

Hi guys! Aaron here. Welcome to my new Girls Generation (SNSD) blog. Well, I decided to create my own blog with the intention of providing news, sharing experiences/opinions and information about almost anything related to SNSD. I also plan to make it a sort of compendium of my own SNSD experience. Hopefully soon, I can make it big enough so you can share your own experience. These 9 girls really are a charm aren't they?

Just a reminder, you'd most likely see some posts or parts of posts that are in Korean. I'd probably add a short category for the Korean language so it could help. I'm still learning Korean as well and I'm currently trying to improve in my grammar and expand my vocabulary.

Well, this is the beginning and I'm hoping that we could all share in the same passion that is Girls Generation. Visit often! (또 방문하십시요!)

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